Does Vitamin C Lighten Lips
On your face... (I know some of you be all in the gutter
I have a permanent cast on my lips which I've always had. However over the years its gotten a lot darker. I know this might sound crazy to most, but I never sought out lip balm with spf in it at all. In fact I've been using blistex (below) for years. Well this past summer I was in the sun a lot and I noticed that my lips are getting even darker. I would like to lighten my lips up a little because the line from my inner lip & my outer lip is extremely noticeable.
Anyone have any suggestions or are having the same issue?
I'm using this now which has spf 15 in it.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought about this.... I felt a little strange even making a post, so thanks for the support ladies.
I thought it would be a little easier to understand what I'm saying if I posted pictures of the issue.
The 1st is with room light the other is natural light.
I don't smoke/never smoked.
Edited by Jewelsnyc - Dec 25 2013 at 9:59am
Vitamin C has been doing my lips a world of wonders!
Please don't use that lemon juice crap. Yes, citric fruits have vitamin c but you're ultimately putting citric acid on them which is not powerful enough to effectively reverse sun damage and will only make you more sensitive to the sun and thus more sensitive to hyperpigment.
Use vitamin c on your skin. Get some L-Ascorbic acid powder, make your own little Vitamin C serum or toner, and use it on your skin every day. You'll see dramatic results even in just a month.
If you aren't used to vitamin c, start out making 5% solutions. Work your way up to 20% and go no higher!
I bit my lips a LOT this year due to them flaking and thus had crazy darkening. Even a couple spots were really bad. But now after making my own vit c toners, my lips are actually the color of my face and putting on foundation on my skin no longer makes me look like I have smoker lips.
Just use pure vitamin c on your lips. You can do chem peels too but I think vit c is more gentle since you're doing this daily and vitamin c stays in the skin for about three days. Building up the vitamin c in your skin will do wonders for your complexion.